Mittwoch, 19. März 2014

I'm yelling Tinder

So.. I know we're all thinking about it...Never mind, scratch that: I hate generalisations. Most of us will have heard about Tinder and to be honest at first I was a little apprehensive. I mean posting pictures of myself, for the sole purpose of being judged and rated? What was I? A sex-doll in a shop, thought to be bought by a bunch of guys? But as always, boredom came upon me again one evening and so I downloaded the controversial app... I was suprised. In a good way! Never have I had so many fun, flirty and interesting conversations. It was wonderful to feel in charge of my own love life for a change and not having to go through the process of akward dates, drunk meetings (which you end up forgetting in the morning) or wannabe posers. Once you have a match you know you both find each other hot. Selection. And even though that word sounds daunting at first; don't we all do it, all day? When we're in a club, we judge the guys and pick the hot ones to pull our dance moves off for. When we walk down a street, we check and rate people. Yes it's not only about looks and if you're looking for a soulmate you're wrong here. But similarly if you're looking for comfortable shoes don't enter Louboutin. I mean we want fun, interesting, different and variety. We pick guys the same way we pick lunch, carreers and shoes. Based on multiple factors. Shoes: price, designer, looks. Career: pay, future, interest, location. Lunch: healthiness, price, tast. And well boys; character, looks, background. It's a fact and I mean hello 21st century? Why are we still afraid to admit that we select? 

We are aesthetics, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. And beauty and hotness are percieved differently by different people. But if you're both coincide that you're hot, well go for it! That's life and finally someone was honest enough to develope an app for it. Remeber, dating is like shopping: suppossed to be fun, sometimes conflicting and at times expensive(outfits,makeup  ;)) and dissapointing, but finding a great guy or a pair of reasonable, ravishinf heels is worth the trouble

Still loving fashion,

Donnerstag, 13. März 2014

Happy ever after

I still belong to the generation where fairtytales were read with a happy endings. Nowadays however children are clarified right away, that there are no princes on white horses, no magical solutions and no happy-ever-afters. But what is so wrong with wanting a happy, love story? One that doesn't end in tears and heartache. One that doesn't leave you cold inside. Have we become so cynical we don't even give happy-ever after a chance? I wish I could write that I'm proof happy-ever-after exsists, but until now I unfortunately can't report anyhting of that kind. What I can say though, is that I've learned to make my own fairytales. Get up on my own horse. For my last holiday I went skiing and ended up in an old traditional hotel. At first I wasn't delighted, I like modern, I like glass and fancy bathrooms. One day I somehow stumbled into this room filled with book shelves. the room itself looked like something that belonged in Narnia or such; carved, coushioned stools, drawings on the walls, thick heavy, golden curtains and floor to ceiling bookshelves. When I studied these books closer, I was honestly dubstruck. Hundreds of the worlds finest authors were lined up in an array of fate and language, ready to take anyone into a different world. The more I looked the more I was pulled into a magical world. Upon opening cuboards I found original copies of diaries, books and poetry collections from as early as 1800. I sat on the floor in this library and immensed myself in my own fairytale. 

That room became my secret, my fairytale. I would come in my expensive designer shoes and favorite dresses and let these amazing people enrich my world with their experiences. Maybe I haven't had my fairytale yet, but I strongly believe it will happen. Don't lose faith, keep your dresses on and your head high and posture worthy of Blanik and Jimmy Choo. You never know, maybe your prince and your happy-ever after is just around the corner. Until then we can continue playing dress up, like we did when we were kids, and create and alter our dream fairytales. Imagine those streets you're walking are yellow tiles from the Wizard of Oz, pretend you are going somewhere special everywhere, because if you truly believe it will come true and what better way is there than to start by dressing the part? You don't need to lose a shoe to become Cinderella, sometimes finding one can be just as comforting (especially when the prince isn't there)

Still loving fashion,