Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013

SO what I'm still a fashionista

I love Pink, always have. She's in my opinion one of the few artist who are actually honest and don't just keep diary on their drug, alcohol and sex stories. And while I truly admire her I have to admit she has never really been my fashion idol. But the other day I felt that my hair was becoming a bit boring, I either had it open or in a high ponytail (I hate normal pony tails) but I was too lazy to do something special. I put on a  hairband (the hard ones) every once in while but htey tend to hurt behind my ear and give me a headache. So I decided to try out the latest Cochella festival thing of bandanas. When in search I found my favorite bandana I had a s kid with skulls and camouflage, yeah I was a bit of a tomboy. Anyway that with a olive blazer and jeggins actually looked pretty good. I think I'm finding my tomboy back, but this time in a good way.

Honestly why did military stuff ever come out of fashion? It's so cool! And nothing is more feminin than a military blouse in combination with soft make up and girly shorts or jewlerry. Anyway I really encourage you to try it! Pink showed us how we can a hard shell and be soft inside and nothing makes you feel stronger than a cool outfit. So raise your glass and become strong ;)

Still loving fashion,

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