Donnerstag, 14. März 2013

Good Old days

While I have been preaching on how lucky we are to be living today I want to draw your attention to the fact that in fashion we have moved back. At least in some aspects. The 19th Century has already fascinated me since I'm a kid. My favorite movie Sissi played in that Time and every time I was watching it I got all jealous and thought "I wish I was that pretty..." Sissi, the Princess of the austro-hungarian Empire, for me portrays class, beauty and feminism. That was really what fashion was about too.

When in the new MET Exhibition; "Impressunism, fashion and modernity" I was once again enchanted by the 19th century magic. So when studying these dresses, hats and corsets I noticed the things that made them so special and also what that says about women.

At that Time dresses were usually only using 2 colors, but instead using many different materials and layers. So much detail was added to each dress and so much love to create a beautifully blended creation surrounding the women, highlighting her beauty ever outshining her. Umbrellas were often used as an accessorie, which created a halo-like feature bringing out the godess in every woman. By covering more Skin the dresses were sexier than mini's today, due to there being more to take off, mystery was added. At that time the women was important, her charcter and poise, not her figure and chest. Intelligence was appreciated and large events weren't clubs but balls and operas. Really people back then established the beauty ideals we are still so desperatly trying to achieve today, such as a small waist and large breasts. Trends try to recapture this sexiness by making clothing short and tight and bold to stand out. What they don't see is that nothing makes a woman more beautiful than when a dress compliments her. When  patterns hide your unfit body parts rather than spandex and when you don't use too many accessories to overshine your beauty. They accepted themselves as they were, without beauty operations and radical diets. While of course cheap and mass brands can't produce extravagant pieces like back then we can still try to keep the idea going by not combining too many colors, using pattern to flatter rather than pounds of make-up and most of all to love the person we are. 

Still loving fashion,

1 Kommentar:

  1. How style has evolved! It's crazy to think that back then these dresses were the main trend and now people like mini skirts, shorts etc :)



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